Each Of these 5 things below ALL limit weight loss greatly!(more than nutrition or exercise)
This is to see if anything is limiting your weight loss success. Removing these limitations could give your results a boost!
I will receive a notification when this has been completed and will respond to you personally
Click the button below to start.
Question 1 of 14
First and Last Name*
Question 2 of 14
Email Address*
Question 3 of 14
Digestion is a huge part of metabolism and effects weight loss greatly (causing fat storage, cravings, low energy and low mood...)
Stool is Pebble like
Stool is often loose
I do NOT have bowel movement every day
I do NOT have 12 inches of bowel movement a day
I have skin conditions, rashes
I get bloated
I have frequent thrush
I have athletes foot
I get itchy, nose, ears, throat or bum
I have fungal nails
I have stomach discomfort
I get bloated or wind
My digestion is really good (Usually good bowel movement, not too loose, too hard and no bloating)
None of these apply to me
Question 4 of 14
Checking thyroid:
To see if I can help improve your Thyroid for better results
I have thinning of the eyebrows
My hair is brittle, breaks or doesn't take colour well
My nails that are brittle, ridges or lots of white spots
I have a history of yoyo dieting
I often have cold hands or feet
I have a history of lots of cardio / aerobic exercise
I have Low energy
Lack of sleep
known Low B levels or low iron levels
Numbness or tingling in the arms
Question 5 of 14
Checking for indications of Adrenal issues
That I may be able to help with
I have trouble getting to sleep
I get dizzy when standing
I have salt cravings
I am Immune challenged (I get ill frequently)
I have night sweats
I have very dark shadows under my eyes
I have pale inner eye (when you pull bottom eye lid down and out - it should look bright pink red)
My pupils take longer than 2 seconds to adjust (if you close or cover eyes for 15-20 seconds when you re- expose to light, pupils should go back to normal)
Frequent illness
Restless legs
Sudden loss of strength
Over sensitive to sunlight or bright light (can not handle being in the sun without glasses)
Question 6 of 14
Blood sugar management;
Are insulin resistant? (if your body doesn't manage sugar well, it can make weight loss hard and weight gain very easy)
I get hangary (irritable) if I do not eat after just a few hours
I have a crease at the back of my neck
I have skin tags
My waist is wider than my hips
If I pinch the skin on the back of my hand - it stays longer than 2 seconds
As soon as I eat any carbs (even fruit) I gain lots of weight, straight away
I store (a lot) of fat on my back / shoulder blade area and love handles?
I have PCOS
I feel very lethargic after eating carbs or sugar (pizza, cereal, pasta...)
I have diabetes or I am pre diabetic
Question 7 of 14
Effects hormones, metabolism, blood sugar, mood, energy, cravings...
Let's see if sleep is limiting your results.
I wake up in the night (even if for a wee)
I sleep less than 7hrs a night
I go to bed after 11pm
I do not sleep deeply
I do NOT wake feeling rested
Question 8 of 14
Let's see if it's your mind limiting you or if you're sabotaging yourself ?
I want to be leaner BUT I keep eating foods that go against achieving that
I LOVE food, that is the problem
I keep binging
I go from all or nothing (strict to F**k it mode)
I'm too old, its my age
I procrastinate
I do NOT believe I can be lean or the size I want to be
I'm too busy to be lean
I'm a mum, I believe that since being a mum I gained weight and now I can not lose it ?
I have the wrong genes or no metabolism
I eat when stressed, sad, lonely, fed up or any emotion...
I do not even know why I eat the wrong (carb heavy) things .... I just end up eating it without knowing why?
I justify it, when I eat something... (eg I was hungry so had a packet of crisp, it was someones birthday, they brought it
I can lose weight but can never maintain weight loss
I eat well (low carb) and I exercise frequently and consistently
Question 9 of 14
Please tell me in the box below your goals:
*What weight or size are you now?
*What would you like to be?
Anything else you want to add
If you would like to book a free phone consultation
Please complete the following to register your interest to work with me.
(If not interested - leave next questions blank and press to submit)
Question 11 of 14
Level of support:
Are you someone who (with the right guidance) is willing to be responsible for your own results?
AND with the right guidance would you prefer to pay more for 1-1 calls and support?
or Could high tough group support work well for you?
Question 12 of 14
What’s stopping you from already having the body and life that you want?
Question 13 of 14
Should you be offered a spot on my program & we work together,
Please select what would be your preferred payment option:
£500 - £2000 in full
£90 - £375 a month (4-8 monthly payments)
Question 14 of 14
Anything else you feel is important for me to know at this time?