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The Power of Mindset in Weight Loss

I just really feel wholeheartedly that it’s all down to mindset… And I can’t take people's money for nutrition knowledge without letting them know the truth!

The truth is… For most people it’s not about knowing what to eat or to exercise; it’s the MIND! ...

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Beating Those Mindset Blues

When you feel like you aren’t getting anywhere with your weight loss, the important thing is that you don’t give up!

Sometimes you may need to dig deeper into why you're sabotaging or what’s hindering results.

Do you start out extremely motivated to get results and reach your...

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Dealing with Christmas Weight Gain Anxiety

Have you ever wondered why one of the top New Year’s resolutions is “weight loss” !? 

It’s because many reading this will have a repeated seasonal pattern “fall off” or go into a binge weeks before Christmas Day... 

Then with so much unmanaged sugar...

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Analysis Paralysis

Do you suffer from Paralysis of Analysis?


I've been helping women with weight loss for over 18 years and the most common thing that I hear during my consultations is that people are confused. They are so confused over knowing what to eat. “Should I eat low fat? Full fat? Should I try...

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When The Going Gets Tough

There will be many things in life that will catch you off guard, make you struggle and test your boundaries. There will be tough situations such as loss and grief.

It is so easy to give up and let those challenges set you back, but you need to deploy tenacity in order to carry on and succeed...

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Keto, Fasting & Calorie Counting

Knowing what to eat is easy, yet we all get so caught up worrying about what to eat and what exercise to do. 

We overwhelm and confuse ourselves and the less we understand, the more we Google and you end up with what I call ‘paralysis of analysis’. 



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